Monday, October 21, 2013

Hello folks. Don't give up on me...weekends with a husband and three boys get pretty busy around here!  I am currently working on some Christmas card designs. They are going to be watercolor with pen & ink. Then I am going to print them up in sets and hope someone likes them!  Yep, for sale. I love sharing my art and love when someone else shares it too!
Also, I do photography. Some of you knew that. I had a super great photo shoot yesterday with a super family. Here is one of my favorite shots of the day.
Also working on a super cool mixed media piece the past couple of days. Something a little different, but fun. You'll see. I will try to post up some pictures tomorrow. ALSO working on some paint party ideas and an initial doorhanger for a friend. I am busy and that just tickles me to pickles. I always seem to have multiple projects in the works.  Still working on my door too, but need the hubby to get me some sandpaper because I have no idea how to attach it to that sander thingy. lol....oh, well! Just wanted everyone to know what I have been up to and can't wait to show you the cool stuff I am working on!
Follow me on instagram at JoyBallard1971 or on Facebook as Joy Ballard in Tupelo, MS

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

UGH....FINALLY finished the painting and it's hung in my bedroom. Took some MAJOR work, but I am pleased with it and hope you like it too. I am not a landscape artist, but enjoy them. Here is the final piece.\
Now, I know that this is my art blog, but I also have a household to run and other fun stuff going on with three sons and a husband.  I started working on remodeling my bedroom since I haven't done it in over 10 years. It's looking good, but I remembered this old door I have had in the basement for YEARS. I thought it would look super going into our laundry room instead of the ugly hollow core door that is there now.  So here is the before:
It really is a beautiful door. Has to be close to 100 yrs old.  Think it has 100 coats of paint on it too!  Sheesh.  After five coats of stripper here is what I have:
Super hard work, but now I have to sand it down so I can get it to bare wood.  I would like to stain it, but it has lots of detail, so we will see. I have some other art stuff going on right now, but this is my "side" project.  Just thought I would share.  Well, I had better get off to the art studio.  I hope everyone has a super day!  Remember to find me on Facebook at Joy Ballard or my paint party page Art of Life Paint Party.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Started out good today painting. Decided it was long over due to paint over the Palm Tree in a Pot picture I had purchased about 10 years ago at Kirkland's. So far so good.  I get the base coat on...
Moving right along right?  Well, then I start laying in the rest of the background and some detail in the sky.

Still please with progress....and then it happens. I'm stuck.  I paint over the bottom of this painting at least four or five times.  I finally get frustrated and know that after trying for over an hour, I just have to get something on there or I will never move forward. I was also trying to do a more "impressionist" type painting (you know, real loose and see a bunch of paint strokes, etc). Well, I don't know. Here's what I have now. I feel like after 5 hours there should be more. It's not turned out like I wanted, but I guess I still like it. Still think it needs something, but can't figure out what.  Let me tell you, this is no SMALL painting. It's big, so I can't hide any mistakes. I think it's just my OCD and attention to detail that is making me nuts. Honest opinions are always appreciated!  NOW you know why an artist charges so much for a painting. While I do paint rather fast once I get going, the creative process to get that completed work is sometimes days/weeks in the making.  Hope you are all having a super weekend!

Friday, October 11, 2013

When I was young (really as long as I can remember), I have loved art. I love looking at art. I love making art. I love the creative process of art. It gives me an escape. It helps me work out problems in everyday life. It takes stress away...well, sometimes it adds to it,  It is with me and my mood and takes the form of the mood I am in when I am creating it. My emotions pour onto the canvas or paper and I hope evokes an emotion from the viewer.
 I like the unexpected sometimes and then again, sometimes the norm. All artists create in their own way. I am hoping this blog will share some of the experiences I go through when I create art. Art IS a process. A job and my passion.
 I have an art degree and could bore you with all the technical terms, but I know most everyone enjoys art, but not the technical aspect of it. I want viewers to understand what is really going on my my creative process. Not the contrast, color, light, design, how your eye moves through the piece, etc. HOW I do it and what it means to me. Art is art as you view it. It is subjective. You may like my art or not. I do it for me. 
 I love to share my art and teach paint classes. They are not always serious, but they are fun and it is my way of sharing the enjoyment of art with everyone I can. I volunteer at my kids schools when I can to do art projects with the children.  I love that I get to work kids that may not get art instruction and exposure to art. It is my way of sharing art. 
I hope if you are reading this blog now, you will continue. I will do my best to keep you entertained and hopefully show people what is really involved in the creation of a work of art. 
You can follow me on facebook too...Joy Ballard in Tupelo, MS  or my paint party page Art of Life Paint Party by Joy
Until next time!